In letters to the editor, readers of The New York Times can share feedback, thoughts and opinions on Times articles.
Readers have been writing since 1851, when The Times was founded. As Adolph S. Ochs wrote in 1896, he wanted to “make the columns of The New York Times a forum for the consideration of all questions of public importance, and to that end to invite intelligent discussion from all shades of opinion.”
Discussion often continues off the page, too: Letters give readers a place to connect with one another, even if they live states or even countries apart.
Times Insider wants to know: Have you written a letter to The Times, then connected with another letter writer to discuss the topic? Have you forged friendships with other letter writers over the years? Have you and other letter writers met in person, or have you fostered virtual friendships?
No story or connection is too small, so please submit yours. We will read all of the submissions, and we will not publish any part of your submission without contacting you, and other letter writers you mention, and hearing back. We will not share your contact information outside our newsroom. We will accept submissions over the next few days.
The post Attention Letter Writers: Have You Connected With Other Times Readers? appeared first on New York Times.